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  1. I can't find where it shows the brush preset pallete
  2. Lookin for one font
  3. how to make a Gradient Map?
  4. How do you "apply image" to a new layer?
  5. [Dreamweaver] Apending many documents at once?
  6. How do I make my renders cleaner?
  7. PS is slow
  8. Help!
  9. C4d?
  10. Gimp!
  11. Smudging...
  12. Gradients are not smooth anymore
  13. Flow
  14. wrapping text around a picture....
  15. Photoshop Painting problem
  16. hay is there a best way to split an image into 4 a3 images to fit together a1 poster
  17. A weird photoshop problem.. HELP!
  18. How do I make the colours shift?
  19. Help about smudge tool..
  20. help recreating an effect
  21. .Gif files are too grainy......
  22. Milkyway Sideview
  23. Photoshop setup error
  24. Need Some Help.
  25. Dark/brightness removal
  26. wacom graphire 3 help required
  27. How do install these?
  28. Flash Help
  29. Mystery Effect
  30. Stocks
  31. Reversing brushes?
  32. Wireframe
  33. Animation on Photoshop CS3
  34. I have .PSD of layers that I wanted to animate but...
  35. Adding Fonts
  36. Vector Help Needed
  37. photshop wont work no more :(
  38. C4D's Help
  39. C:\Windows\System32 folder missing!
  40. Scattering the smudge brush...
  41. Dreamweaver button problem
  42. HELP!!
  43. Help Me please
  44. text problems
  45. Getting this effect with the stock
  46. A Couple Problems With Tutorial
  47. illustrator/photoshop
  48. Reset Font
  49. help to create an action for batch processing
  50. No Colors