Hey all,

Some of you may have noticed, but a new forum has been created for you guys. This forum is also located in the Community Activities area and will be known as the "Treasured Artworks" Forum.

So how does this forum work?
Well, when you guys create a new art piece that is shown off in the Digital Art, Photography or Design and Interfaces forums, it has a chance of being selected as a "Treasured" art piece!
Simple! No entering any comps, no specific weekly theme... just create something that you like and post it up!

The mod that decides to list your artwork in the Treasured Artworks forum will professionally review your piece, and discuss why it stands out from the rest. Some of the points that may be discussed include the creativity, technique, originality and any meaning that they feel the image has to offer.

Hopefully we will start to see some more amazing artworks from you guys.
