First off these signatures are being made for forum members of a Toyota Tacoma online community. I am trying more so to do a manip, then scale down to a signature and provide some finishing touches. Please reckognize that the goal of these signatures is to take a parked truck...normally in a drive way and give it life. Nothing crazy, no fancy brushes, or flashy colors. That is what the community wants and that's how I like to work as well. The reason I am telling you guys this is because I have gotten negative comments saying these are to plain and simple. I take it as a compliment but just wanted to clarify it so you guys understand the direction I am going and can give better feedback.

Most recent, a six pack of Fat Tire and relaxing music made this come together and by far my favorite to work with yet. The blending is a little off and I also had trouble getting the lighting down.

This next one was finished 2 days ago.

I am very excited to join the community and begin learning some new tricks, tips and in general just improving!