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Top Poster: cc.RadillacVIII (7,429)
Welcome to our newest member, Lekelindids
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Thumbs down KickTail Sign-up ~

    We've had a little reshuffle n' stuff.

    Reasons to join:
    It makes me feel all tingly inside.
    It's a way to make out you've achieved something in life without having really done much... Like having a baby.
    We have a consecutive loss of 2/2 and want to make it 3!
    We're lonely and the clubhouse Jacuzzi just isn't the same with only 3 people.
    Our name doesn't include a reference to the movie 300.

    Reasons not to join:
    Having dignity.

    - Like a hooker-hunter on a budget if your merchandise is even vaguely attractive we'll go for it.
    - Although not a necessity, having Skype would be nice, I like to send people naked pictures every Thursday.
    - Must be on either the Void or Skype regularly. Going AFK is fun n' all but after a few days it stops being interesting. Chances are you can't pull it off as brilliantly as Jesus.
    - Having a good personality is a plus, even that guy that owns Abercrombie managed to smile for a photo once, and he looks like a tree stump.

    Just drop a few pieces of your work in a post below and maybe include a heart-felt emotional speech about why it's your 'dream' (Just pretend you're an X-Factor contestant).
    Last edited by Distello; 10-26-2013 at 09:01 PM.

    One of the sexiest tags I've ever seen, from Radillac <3

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