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View Poll Results: Favorite signature?
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Voted nr 5
Hey Dispeller! I do remember you
Epic Maze by RadillacVIII
I'm giving it to number 8 for the clever message in the simplistic yet deep impact of appearance
So razor cut wrist, or as I'd like to name the tag; snitches get stitches gmv!
After sleeping on it gotta gmv to #4. Was torn on so many but maaan
Last edited by cC.ZaMa; 03-07-2016 at 11:45 AM.
Congratulations to signature #1, Oath!
Oath, you may chose to receive either a medal or a colored user-title of choice (see my lime green).
Let me know here, and if you pick the title, let me know what text and color you like (#). [color-picker]
Below follows the names of each entrant:
Oath, 1 - http://s19.postimg.org/liz746s5v/Lost_Self.png
Agitator, 2 - http://puu.sh/nuYtt/181f69bb4b.png
Radillac, 3 - http://s25.postimg.org/x41eq0u3j/Alu...nd_Drifted.png
Alexander, 4 - http://s25.postimg.org/5olizwyn3/sotw_363_d9tvky5.jpg
cs4pro, 5 - http://i.imgur.com/PU3xEKi.png
Meew, 6 - http://s10.postimg.org/chhpvxmhl/noirdirfting.png
flatty, 7 - http://i.imgur.com/sqIglbP.png
Pet, 8 - http://i.imgur.com/tgFqcTS.png
Slave, 9 - http://s7.postimg.org/yhdj3mih7/nexus.png
Zama, 10 - http://i.imgur.com/WCaFw0b.png
Good job oath! Good job to everyone else!!
wow Oath!!! Now that I see it on the computer instead of my phone, it's really detailed!!! Love it ^^
Radi's one of a kind gift <3
^My Wish List^
Good job Oath, congratulations And great job to everyone else as well!
Wow shocked i won a medal would be good since i have nothing for my sig space hahahaa.
Great job everyone !!
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